Andrei Tarkovsky's Nostalgia by Nico Delort.
'Nostalghia' by Nico Delort is a new screenprint release from Black Dragon Press, which has once again teamed up with their friends Mondo in America, to offer a 'double dual' release (this is just one of two editions).

Having previously art directed for the gallery's Tarkovsky series of posters, Nico Delort has this time taken up illustration duties and turned in a typically elegant and thought-provoking piece. We've not printed any of Delort's work for a few years, so it's been a real treat to work on something new and wonderful from this favourite artist of ours.

'Nostalghia' was screen printed at White Duck in an 18"x24" edition of 200+AP's, grey & black inks on 310gsm South Bank paper.
These prints already went on sale this week, so check out the Black Dragon Press & Mondo for full release details.