Calexico and Iron & Wine European Tour 2019 posters designed by Kathleen Neeley.
Following the release of the collaboration album ‘Years to Burn’, Calexico and Iron & Wine were recently touring Europe, with a string of dates here in the UK. After selling out their previous poster editions, we were asked to run this limited edition for the final dates of the tour. Apparently, this edition also sold out on the first night it hit the merch stand!
The beautiful artwork is by Kathleen Neeley and was a real treat to screen print. The artist is masterfully adept at the use of translucent overlays, and so for a three colour print there was a fantastic amount of liquid depth. We produced these screen prints on a speckled stock, to give them that little extra special something.
‘Calexico and Iron & Wine’ was an 18”x24” hand-numbered edition of 50, screen printed in 3 colours onto 285gsm Woodstock paper.