Jurassic World by Dan Mumford.
Jurassic World is a new officially licensed screen print edition by Dan Mumford, commissioned and released exclusively by ZavviGallery.
If you’re going to create a poster for this action-packed instalment in the Jurassic Park franchise, you really might as well make it as grandiose as possible. Cue Dan’s signature art style, which, despite being full to the brim with deft touches and beautiful subtleties, knows how to deliver action at a deliciously vivid and saturated level.
I’m sure everyone has seen this film by now, so it’s no spoiler to reveal that the T-rex and Indominus Rex do battle at the end. The titanic clash depicted in this poster. The battle signifies an interesting role-reversal for the T-rex, who up until now has always been the villain of the films, then turned anti-hero—the deadly dino we all secretly love.
While still deadly and more than happy to include human flesh on her daily menu, the presence of the T-rex has evolved and matured since the original Jurassic Park, and she now inhabits more of a custodian figure to the balance of all dinosaur kind. T-rex be damned if an upstart like Indominus is going to strut about the place, acting like it runs the show, and causing untold chaos to the order of things!
In the sidelines of Dan’s artwork, we see the figure of Pratt’s Owen Grady, frozen as if unsure whether to run or to pitch in on the T-rex’s side. Perhaps just let this one play out . . .
It’s an epic artwork, full of energy and bombast, and was so enjoyable to screen print. It’s been a few years since we produced any of Dan’s work, and many years (8-10?) since we printed what were some of his earliest horror editions. His artwork always packs a punch and has layers of delicate depth, but the evolution and refinement in his style is abundantly clear to see.
Jurassic World was screen printed at White Duck Editions in a 36”x24” regular edition of 150+AP’s and variant edition of 100+AP’s, both 7 colours on 300gsm Gmund Bauhaus paper.
The main editions are sold out, but a limited number of AP's will soon be available from the artist.