‘Tokyo Story’ by Tom Haugomat.
‘Tokyo Story’ by Tom Haugomat, commissioned and released by Black Dragon Press, and screen printed here at White Duck Editions.
What a beautifully elegant pair of posters, paying homage to the Yasujiro Ozu film. The artist, in his first collaboration with the gallery, turned in some deceptively subtle artworks. Layers of translucent ink, building and darkening as they go.
‘Tokyo Story’ was produced in two versions — an English 4 col edition of 100 and a Japanese 6 col edition of 50. Both 18”x24” and screen printed on 310gsm South Bank paper.
Visit Black Dragon Press for more details.
A note from WDE: To all the musicians, galleries, artists, collectors, print enthusiasts (just everyone, really) — hang in there, stay strong, support one another — togetherness will help us through this difficult time. x